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What Are Your Smile Makeover Options

Posted on 3/6/2023 by Elmwood Dental Group
What Are Your Smile Makeover OptionsA smile is the largest determinant of your facial appearance. Any type of smile makeover is now possible through cosmetic dentistry, so even the worst dental issues can be fixed. Dentists have different ways of going about restoring your smile. Depending on the issues with your teeth, you have the following options to improve your smile:

Composite Bonding

Composite or dental bonding is one of the most effective and cheapest smile makeover options. The procedure involves applying a composite or putty-like material to teeth and shaping it as necessary. The complete mixture is typically made of a combination of plastic and glass. The dentist will then modify the composite to match the patient's teeth color. The composite is hardened using a curing light until the desired look is achieved. Whether you have discolored, broken, or chipped teeth, composite bonding can improve your smile.


Dental veneers are thin shells that cover and protect the front side of teeth. They are used to hide imperfections in teeth, like staining and cracks. Veneers create the appearance of a bright and healthy tooth, which vastly improves a smile. Many people you will see with excellent smiles often have dental veneers.

To install a dental veneer, the dentist must remove the damaged part of the tooth's enamel. Veneers are a permanent tooth restoration treatment and cannot be reversed. Therefore, some form of oral restoration is necessary for them to be in optimal condition.


Dental crowns have many applications in cosmetic dentistry, and they are used to restore damaged teeth. Crowns will also help restore shape and function in teeth, whether decayed, broken, chipped, or fractured. Enamel removal is necessary for proper crown implantation. However, if successful, it can lead to a beautiful smile.

Find out more about smile restoration procedures from our dental team. We examine and assess each case individually and provide personalized smile makeover treatments.

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