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Home Patient Info Dental Blog Foods to Avoid for Strong Tooth Enamel

Foods to Avoid for Strong Tooth Enamel

Posted on 11/20/2018 by Elmwood Dental Group
Foods to Avoid for Strong Tooth EnamelWhat you eat has a major impact on the health of your teeth. If you want strong, healthy tooth enamel, there are some foods that you'll want to minimize in your diet or avoid completely. These are some of the biggest concerns.

Citrus Fruits

Citrus fruits like oranges and grapefruits are highly acidic, so when it comes to keeping the enamel healthy, they are bad news. The citric acid will wear away at your enamel with time, weakening the teeth and making them vulnerable to decay.


If you have a habit of chewing on ice, it may be only a matter of time before you damage your enamel. Chewing on hard substances can cause the enamel to crack or chip, which may lead to a dental emergency.

Dried Fruit

Dried fruit is a nightmare for the enamel. These sticky substances can cling to your teeth, and they tend to stick around much longer than other foods. This gives them easy access to feed oral bacteria that will produce acids to attack the enamel.

Potato Chips

Potato chips are a salty, delicious snack, but they aren't good for your enamel. They are filled with starch, which can get trapped in between the teeth and serve as a good food source for bacteria. If you do choose to indulge in potato chips, take care to brush your teeth and floss regularly to remove excess debris.


Bread is another food that can damage the enamel, as it is loaded with starch. Your saliva will break the starch into a sugary substance that sticks onto the crevices of the teeth. This can wear away at the enamel and eventually cause cavities. If you do feel that you can't live without bread, it is always wise to choose whole wheat options over white varieties.

A healthy diet is one way to maintain a healthy mouth, but regular dental visits are also important. Call us today to set up your next appointment.

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