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Common Dental Cracks Many People Have

Posted on 12/7/2020 by Elmwood Dental Group
Common Dental Cracks Many People HaveCracked teeth are frequently classified as one of several types of fractures: craze lines, cracks running through a tooth's crown, fractured cusps, vertical root fractures, and split teeth. These 5 categories are the most common complaints we see about dental cracks.

What are the Differences in Dental Cracks?

The most benign of dental cracks are craze lines. We do not treat these cracks as they are tiny hairline fractures, appearing as barely noticeable vertical lines. As a result, craze lines are only considered a superficial dental concern, as they usually do not cause pain nor pose a threat to a person's oral health. An uneven bite, nail biting, or teeth grinding may lead to this type of fracture. A fractured cusp results when part of a chewing surface on the tooth breaks off. It frequently occurs when a tooth has a large filling. Normally, these fractures do not hurt the pulp. While you usually will not feel any pain, there may be some tooth sensitivity. Usually the fracture can be fixed by placing a crown. A vertically cracked tooth that extends to the gum line is often treated by root canal therapy.

When Extraction is Necessary

In the cases of split teeth or vertical root fractures, extraction is often necessary. A split tooth, in some cases, can be saved, if the remaining portion of the tooth receives a root canal and crown. A vertical root fracture starts at the root of the tooth, traveling upward to the chewing surface. Pain, in his case, may be minimal, and the problem may go undetected for a long time. If we can remove the fractured root, we may be able to save part of the tooth. This type of fracture often occurs in a tooth that has had a previous root canal.

If you feel that you may have fractured a tooth or are sure you have a crack that needs to be treated, give us a call immediately. To ensure the best outcome, an emergency treatment may be necessary.

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