Facts You Should Know about Saliva and Its Important Job
Posted on 5/24/2021 by Elmwood Dental Group
Your mouth is teeming with bacteria. While not all of it is bad, you still cannot fully get rid of the bad stuff if you do not have enough saliva in your mouth. Therefore, it is important to stay hydrated to keep your mouth moist and reduce problems with dry mouth, also known as xerostomia.
Why You Need a Healthy Flow of Saliva
Saliva contains certain enzymes, including calcium and phosphate, that help remineralize tooth enamel. Therefore, when you have a good saliva flow, you can more easily wash away food particles and residue and remineralize any teeth that have been attacked by acids and have begun to demineralize. Early forms of decay can be reversed when you have enough saliva in your mouth. Without saliva, your teeth can easily decay, and gum infection can become a problem.
What Causes Dry Mouth?
Dry mouth may be caused by the overconsumption of alcohol, an underlying health condition, or from taking a certain prescription drug. You can also get dry mouth if you are a mouth breather or sleep with your mouth open.
The Main Functions of Saliva
The functions of saliva are what make it important to your oral health. Not only does saliva keep your mouth comfortable and moist, it also enables you to chew your foods, taste them, and swallow them. It therefore contributes to the digestive process. In addition, saliva fights off bacteria in the mouth and prevents problems with bad breath. If your mouth is too dry, it simply cannot battle the germs that trigger decay, bad breath, and oral infections.
Stay hydrated and work toward a healthy flow of saliva. If you do have dry mouth, we can treat the problem or recommend dental products that will help as well. Give us a call today to arrange an appointment for an exam and consultation.