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Home Patient Info Dental Blog Baby Teething Tips

Baby Teething Tips

Posted on 1/24/2022 by Elmwood Dental Group
Baby Teething TipsWhen children reach six to twelve months old, teeth usually start emerging. This period is usually called the teething stage, and in most cases, it can be a painful time for your child. The first teeth to erupt are the incisors and many refer to them as the bunny teeth. During this time, you can find your child chewing on hard items. What typically happens is that, when the teeth are pushing to cut through the gums, the child can feel some pain and they chew on these hard items to soothe that pain. As a new parent, you should not worry as there are important tips that you do at home to help your child through the teething process.

Rub their gums

When discovering that your child has entered the teething stage, you rub the gums using a clean finger. This will help in soothing the pain. You can also use wet gauze, which will provide cooling properties which are highly needed by the child at the time.

Use a cold teething ring

A cold teething ring will be excellent as the child will have something to bite and keep the gums cool at the same time. What is important to remember is that you should avoid frozen objects as this can prove to be detrimental for your child.

Offer a chilled fruit

A chilled fruit will not only be beneficial for the health of the child but also will relieve some of the pain they will likely be feeling during the stage.

Bring your child to the clinic

As soon as the teething starts, you can bring them to our clinic. Our dentists will examine their gums and decide if there is any problem that should be treated. We will also provide you with all the help you need to help your child have a successful teething process.

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