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Dental Benefit Of Straight Teeth

Posted on 8/8/2022 by Elmwood Dental Group
Dental Benefit Of Straight TeethStraightening teeth offer more benefits than having a great smile. It also goes a long way to boost your oral health. While they prevent contracting other medical diseases, straightening teeth also boosts one's self-esteem. Recently many people have taken extra initiatives to maintain their oral health, including keeping their teeth straight and inline. What is the primary importance of having straight teeth?

Healthy Teeth and Gums

When eating, especially during chewing, bacteria in the mouth is mixed with food and saliva. Unfortunately, brushing is quite hard, especially on teeth that are not straight. The gaps in the teeth are hard to brush, hence hosting bacteria that lead to tooth decay. However, when braces are put on, the person brushes more frequently; therefore, the teeth remain healthy.

Accumulation of bacteria on the gums may cause inflation which is also affected by incorrect fitting teeth to the gums. The more severe the disease gets, the harder it is to manage, leading to tooth loss. Gum diseases are also tied to other body diseases such as diabetes.

Stronger supporting bones and proper chewing

When the teeth are misaligned, they affect the supporting bone. The supporting bone detects the spaces in the teeth and re-absorbs itself to the body. Reabsorption of the bone makes it weak. Straightened teeth keep the supporting bone strong and hold the rest of the teeth. Additionally, it also anchors teeth to enhance better food chewing. This is because the jaw does not strain and bites quite comfortably. Furthermore, there is reduced wear and tear when teeth are correctly aligned in the mouth and help eat various meals.

Offering care

Having straightened teeth is essential for excellent oral health. We advocate for a regular checkup to identify how a Dentist can straighten the teeth. We offer oral health checkups and recommendations on straightening teeth. Please pay a visit to our offices and book an appointment with us.

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